Granny and Nana came to visit the weekend before Holly's birthday. While they were here they helped Joel finish up "Holly's Park"

They had to haul fifty 40lb bags of Mulch into the bag yard and lay it out. It was a lot of work.

One of the nights granny made Birthday Brownies

Holly had more fun however eating the frosting

She also liked pouring out all of the various sprinkles

Then she just ate the sprinkles and frosting....

But it's her birthday so she is allowed. The following week, Mommy ate the brownies.

Here is Nana playing Accordion on Daddy's iPad

Everyone played some music, Holly helped Daddy with the Guitar

She loves playing music and is learning about guitar in her new music class.

To top off the night Granny gave her a bath and she got to play with her new water flutes, an early birthday gift.
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