You are three years old now

You are such a big girl. For your party you picked out this very beautiful princess dress

All by yourself. We celebrated at a place called Super Franks in the Fish Tank room

Its a place that you love playing at, especially in this room with all the neon glow colors

On the day of your party Oma and Opa were visiting from Florida to celebrate with you

And Tanta Kat came to play at your party with you and all of your friends

In the room there were so many cool things to play with, even a jump house

The foam pit was also super fun, you guys played and played having throw wars

Your dress was perfect, pretty in pink but glowing white in the room

Then all of your friends started to arrive, here is Beck

Here is Chloe and her Dad, it looks like you caught a fishy

These were giant fishes that you could ride and rock on, as if you were in the waves

There were speed boats you could ride around in too

Chloe came dressed up in her best TuTu

You guys had so much fun jumping and diving in the pit the room was full of laughter and joy

I enjoyed your party a lot this year, it was so easy and there was so much to do

All of your friends had fun playing, games, puzzles

There was even a table for drawing.

Here you are in the Bounce House

So full of energy having a wonderful time

Sachi and Theo and Citlali were there too

Kaylee and Cora and Angelina, also

Even the markers were glow in the dark, you decided to paint your face

as you put on some "make-up"

Here you are playing with Citlali

What a fun game, jumping and running in the foam pit

The beach chairs were a nice place for a rest

Lots of Mommies and Daddies used them to relax while the kids all played

Soon it was time for some Pizza, we had many flavors, some with chicken even

And with so much playing you were super thirsty and took a break for some Yogurt juice

Mira, and Leelou and Cora's big sister Payton were all there too

After a quick bite to eat you were ready for some more playing

Here is Gabe and Cole, leave it to the boys to crash the cars

Theo was a lot of fun, you liked to play chase with him

Here is Cole with his mommy having some more pizza, his new baby brother was there too

Here is our Friend Devlin, spinning around and around

Teagan another friend was having a wonderful time playing

Here is Brendan, and Rowan and Throy two little brother's were also here

This was all the yummy pizza, by the time the day was done it was all gone

In the bounce house you were rolling and trying to do somersaults

Here Kaylee and Chloe walk around the perimeter of the foam pit

Everyone took a turn to pile in, even the daddies

Here is Evvie and her sister Figy and some of the mommies chatting

Theo is striking a pose

Cora and Payton are here with there Daddy

Here is Citlali, she made a big crash

The bounce house was so big that the Daddies were able to go in there too

Peek-a-Boo you were having such a great time

Here is Mira and leeLou tumbling out

There were big balls for throwing and rolling and even for bouncing

The painting of the underwater scene is so cool

Here is Cora taking a ride in the car

And Holly hanging out in the School Bus taking a break

Everywhere you turned there was laughter and kids playing

Here is Lucian, enjoying some water while riding the speed boat

Tyler was here too. This is the beach area you had fun pretending to swim

Lucian is here at the toy table

And then it was time to have some cake

Happy Birthday Holly everyone sang to you

You are three now, and after we all sang you were ready to blow out your candles

You got the first two all on your own, but mommy helped with the third one

Your first cake was Chocolate with music notes

Since it was yours you were ready to stick your finger's in and get some yummy frosting

Only something you can get away with when you are the Birthday girl

Since we had so many friends with us, we also had a Vanilla cake, this one a caterpiller

Yummy Yummy in the tummy everyone had a slice of cake

Here is Citlali with Vanilla and kaylee and Brenda with Chocolate, Sachi is still deciding

Holly had Chocolate, that is your favorite.

There is Sara hiding in the background, she was playing in the tub

Then you decided to take a dip in the pool with Cole

Later you and your friends decided to build a castle with the foam blocks

There was even a little baby swing and slide at the party

Things were starting to die down and the party was coming to an end

Before everyone was leaving we took a group shot happy Birthday Holly, we all love you
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