It is our last day at Small Voices, the day before Holly's Birthday

Deanne was kind enough to put out the swing during open play which is one of Holly's favorite

After it was circle time, we sang songs and Holly mostly stayed in her seat

During choice time there was play dough to be played with

They also had an area with dolls and doctor kits

Oma and Opa watched on while Holly played pretend and took care of the sick baby

Here are Citlali, and Jimmy, and Olivia three of Holly's Classmates playing with her.

Holly's Teacher's made a Birthday Card for her as well

And since it was her last day she got a little candle she could blow out while we all sung Happy Birthday

I brought in some special treats for the class to share

After snack time Holly played one last time while waiting for everyone to go outside

I tried to explain it was her last day and next week we would be going to "New School"

At the time I am not sure she understands, but now when we drive by she points and says old school.

Here is Danika and the other kids playing in the outside courtyard

Holly said goodbye to all of the teacher's and aids, but for weeks she asked for them

We recently started Speech Therapy with Deanne, so we were able to visit and she really liked that

We see Citlali on Friday's and recently had a Play date with Alyssa and Thomas who didn't make it to say goodbye on her last day.

She definitely missed her friends and teachers but now after about 6 weeks she likes "New School" too

Good Bye Small Voices, you will always have a fond place in our memories, Holly grew so much during her time there. You will be missed.
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