Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Breaking News Alert -- Lost Small Plane Carrying 18 People Feared Crashed in Western Indonesia

JAKARTA, Indonesia (Sept. 29) – Breaking News: A transport plane is reported missing in western Indonesia today (Thursday, Sept. 29) morning, BBC reports.

Lost Small Plane Carrying 18 People Feared Crashed in Western Indonesia
It is feared that the CASA C-212 aircraft, 18 on board, has crashed somewhere near the North Sumatran village of Bahorok.

The rescue and emergency teams have already been dispatched to the probable site of crash, government officials said.

According to Bambang Ervan, a spokes person Indonesian Transport Ministry, the plane was on its way between North Sumatra and Aceh provinces, a flight not more than an hour.

The aircraft’s contact with ATC (Air Traffic Control) lost immediately after an emergency signal was sent to ATC.

Although Indonesia has poor aviation history yet it depends mainly on air transport.

Recently in last week, three people died when an Indonesian transport plane crashed in mountainous area of the remote Indonesian province of Papua.

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