There is what on earth is behind the friendship site Facebook is becoming so popular Facebook did not escape the attention of the government? Even the government had come to create an account with Facebook .However, it is unknown whether the account is operated by the number one in Indonesia or not.
Users Facebook in Indonesia reached 135 million was recorded. Many of the users coming from the political elite, national leaders, lawmakers, activists, or other important people in this country. Facebook easier for users to update the status and shown widely to the friends in social networking.
The important people in this country often to update the status of those who criticize the government or just give insights to the events that occurred in Indonesia. The political elite, activist, and national figures can be regarded as opinion leaders-people who form opinions the public. They certainly do not just make friends with fellow political elites, activists, or other national figures, but also friends with civil society.
There are still imprinted on the minds of the people of Indonesia how the formation of public opinion via Facebook occur in early November 2009, where support against liberation Bibit Samad Rianto and Chandra Hamzah through the 1 million supporters. It did not escape the attention of the government. It's also become one of the factors ultimately dibebaskannyalah Seeds and Chandra.
On the one hand, the emergence of Facebook is a sign that the strength of the emerging civil society in influencing policy and government decisions. Such support could also be interpreted based on the promptings of conscience.From there it is also seen that the intelligence community must also be taken into account because people know and monitor the steps taken by the government. Therefore, the government and all state institutions were warned to always act honestly and do not ever use deception to the public.
But on the other hand, have also seen negative things up in the formation of public opinion. At first glance, support for Bibit-Chandra does look posisif. However, if everyone believes that 1 million more supporters Bibit-Chandra did understand the problem or simply went along with it?
Although in the case of Bibit-Chandra is a positive thing that is formed, but the case was also the government actually looks shriveled. Support 1 million users Facebook it was able to make a formal legality is ignored.When at a later time that happened was the propaganda darkness creep into Facebook and give a great impact as in the case of Bibit-Chandra, whether the government will again shrink.
And im agree with them because facebook had a negative and positive influence so we must paying full anttention with this.
Amber Heard wallpapers hd
12 years ago
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