There's so many cool and crazy tribute for Steve jobs, such as Olivier Lefebvre this montreal artist who made a portrait of Steve jobs using 3750 apples, and johan ruiz a hair artist who made an awesome pictures of Steve jobs, apple logo and steve jobs quotes on his brother's hair
Last Sunday was the first official Steve Jobs day (Celebrated in 14,15,16 and 19 October), but instead of wearing jeans and a long-sleeve shirt, Montreal-based artist Olivier Lefebvre decided to honor the Apple co-founder in a very unique way – a portrait made from real apples
Olivier Lefebvre himself commented on Geeks are Sexy’s blog post saying: “I find it important to mention to all of you that all the Apples used where deer apples, I would never use human consumption grade food for art. So yeah i got my hands dirty. Made for a really nice apple aroma tho!” Beside these steve jobs portrait made by apple, johan ruiz steve jobs haircuts also took many attentions from steve jobs fans.
Precision hair stylist Johan Ruiz of Warminster took Steve Jobs' death to heart, and joined mourners in New York City with his own tribute — a montage of Jobs and the Apple logo sculpted into his brother Brian's hair. Ruiz and his brother visited several Apple stores in the city on Oct. 16, displaying the intricate haircut and handing out a written tribute to the founder of the Apple computer line. It was said that Johan ruiz needs more than 15 hours to made this steve jobs hair cuts on his brother hair.
Well both of them might be the biggest fans of Steve jobs who took Steve Jobs' death to their heart, How about you? Here's more photos of the Coolest Tribute for Steve Jobs by Johan Ruiz and also Olivier Lefebvre.
Steve Jobs Portrait made by 3750 Apples from Olivier Lefebvre

Steve Jobs Haircuts by Johan Ruiz

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